Monday, 25 November 2013

Test, December 4th

Upcoming test, covering Mitosis, Meiosis, and Stem Cells.  Chapter 14.

Thursday, 14 November 2013

Dichotomous Key Examples

Here's an example in written form using these items:

1. a. Organism is living........................................................go to 4.
1. b. Organism is nonliving..................................................go to 2.

2. a. Object is metallic........................................................go to 3.
2. b. Object is nonmetallic..................................................ROCK.

3. a. Object has wheels......................................................BICYCLE.
3. b. Object does not have wheels......................................TIN CAN.

4. a. Organism is microscopic...................................PARAMECIUM.
4. b. Organism is macroscopic............................................go to 5.

5. a. Organism is a plant.....................................................go to 6.
5. b. Organism is an animal.................................................go to 8.

6. a. Plant has a woody stem..............................................go to 7.
6. b. Plant has a herbaceous stem.................................DANDELION.

7. a. Tree has needle like leaves.....................................PINE TREE.
7. b. Tree has broad leaves............................................OAK TREE.

8. a. Organism lives on land................................................go to 9.
8. b. Organism lives in water...............................................CLAM.

9. a. Organism has 4 legs or fewer......................................go to 10.
9. b. Organism has more than 4 legs...................................ANT.

10 a. Organism has fur........................................................go to 11.
10 b. Organism has feathers................................................ROBIN.

11 a. Organism has hooves.................................................DEER.
11 b. Organism has no hooves............................................MOUSE.

Wednesday, 13 November 2013

Free Biology Tutor

Excellent news!  Jenelle Windsor has agreed to be a student tutor for Biology.  She will be available after school on Mondays and Wednesdays.

Jenelle has completed both Biology 2201 and 3201, and has excellent study and organizational skills. I'm sure she will be able to help out quite a few of you if you drop by to see her.